Josue Kasolene
From: Goma, DRC

My name is Josue Kasolene, son of Jules Wa Ntiba and Kahambu Evodie. I was born in Goma and always lived in this city. However, I have travelled to other areas such as Kimbumba and Kiwanja. I was born into a family of nine children, of which I am the family’s third son. I started studying at the age of three with kindergarten and primary school at the age of five. By the grace of God, I got my certificate and started secondary school, finishing with my diploma in general pedagogy between the years of 2017-2018, scoring 55% at the Bahati de Goma Complex school. Following my secondary studies, I didn’t graduate on to university, but I started interior designing and some plastic arts. As I love the life of an artist, I started photography at Lens on Life/Camme RDC. With this, I entered in a photo exhibit with the theme of “trade” and a focus on the spread of pirate/floating markets.
