Yaoundé, Cameroon 

In 2021, we met Bright Association, a Cameroonian humanitarian organization based in the capital city of Yaoundé. Our team led a workshop through Bright with internally displaced youth who have fled ongoing violence against English-speaking communities in the country’s northwest and southwest regions. The workshop trained youth on the basics of photography through classroom and practical sessions in Yaoundé.

In 2022, we refurbished an existing structure in the Efoulan neighborhood of Yaoundé with Bright. The space now contains computers with video and photo editing technology, DSLR cameras and ample room for learning. Installing internet allows for the continuation of distance learning provided by Lens on Life Project’s creative advisory board and its partners, including Canon. In 2023, we hired our first local teacher, Daniel Beloumou to hold in-person courses every week with a new cohort of students.


"Photography allows you to step into somebody else's shoes and see their struggles, happiness and sadness...I can now use photography to read and interpret people's emotions and situations."

— Preston, Yaoundé student


Teacher, Daniel Beloumou (@yannelbold)

Daniel is a freelance photojournalist born and based in Yaoundé Cameroon. He studied photography at the University of Perpignan in France and held internships at Agence France Presse and the newspaper “La Provence.” He originally went to school for law until he decided to dedicate himself to photography. His work focused on issues relating to migration, politics, health and security crises, and the environment. He regularly shoots for NGOs, local press and international agencies such as AFP.